
Direktlänk till inlägg 21 april 2012

Raymond Oppenheimer var en klok en!

Av Hanne Winninge - 21 april 2012 06:58

Jag läser mycket om bullterrier just nu. Plöjer spaltmeter om rasens historia, om rassjukdomar, om mentalitet och om hur människor ser på att leva med dem. Jag väntar ju på att få min första minibullkulll och det är aldrig fel att läsa, även om verkligheten är just mest verklig. En man som verkligen ÄR bullterrieravelns stora förgrundsgestalt så är det Raymond Oppenheimer. Han skriver det så rasandes bra att man blir alldeles tung i kroppen av kunskap. Kolla själva:

20 Basic Breeding Principles by Raymond Oppenheimer

1. Don't make use of indiscriminate outcrosses.  A judicious outcross can be of great value; an injudicious one can produce an aggregation of every imaginable fault of the breed.

2.  Don't line breed just for the sake of line breeding.  Line breeding with complimentary types can bring great rewards; with unsuitable one, it will lead to immediate disaster.

3.  Don't take advice from people who have always been unsuccessful breeders.  If their opiinions were worth having, they would have proved it by their successes.

4.  Don't believe the popular cliche about the brother or sister of the great champion being just as good to breed from. For every one that is, hundreds are not.  It all depends on the animal conceerned.

5.  Don't credit your dogs with virtues they don't possess.  Self-deceit is a stepping stone to failure.

6.  Don't breed from mediocrities.  The absence of a fault does not in any way signify the presence of its corresponding virtue.

7.  Don't try to  line bred to two dogs at the same time; you will end by line breeding to neither.

8.  Don't assess the worth of a stud dog by his inferior progeny.   All stud dogs sire rubbish at times.  What matters is how good their best efforts are.

9.  Don't allow personal feelings to influence your choice of a stud dog.  The right dog for your bitch is the right dog, whoever owns it.

10.  Don't allow admiration of a stud dog to blind you to his faults.  If you do, you will soon be the victim of autointoxication.

11. Don't mate together animals which share the same fault.  You are asking for trouble if you do.

12,  Don't forget that it is the whole dog that counts.  If you forget one virtue while searching for another, you will pay for it.

13.  Don't searh for the perfect do as a mate for your bich.  The perfect dog for every bitch does not exist -- never has, never will.

14.  Don't be frightened of breeding from animals that have obvious faults, so long as they have compensating virtures.  A lack of virtues bis by far the greatest fault of all.

15.  Don't mate together non-complementary types.  An ability to recognize type at a glance is a breeder's greatest gift.  Ask the successful breeders to explain this subject --- there's no other way of learning.  (I'd define non-complimentary types as ones which have the same faults and lack the same virtures).

16.  Don't forget the necessity to preserve head quality.  It will vanish like a dream if you do.

17.  Don't forget that substance plus quality should be one of your aims.  A fool can breed one without the other.

18.  Don't foret that a great head plus soundness should be one of your aims.  Some people can never breed either.

19.  Don't ever try to decry a great terrier.  A thing of beauty is not only a joy forever, but a great terrier should be a source of aesthetic pride and pleasure to all true lovers of the breed.

20.  Don't be satisfied with anything but the best.  The second best is never good enough.

Jag tycker det finns så mycket klokskap i dessa 20 punkter. Vad tycker du?


    Kom ihåg mig



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Fråga mig

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